
Vocation Training - Funding Partners

Through our hard work, Vocation Training has been a prime contractor for notable initiatives, including the Black Country Impact- across all four boroughs and districts- and West Midlands Combined Authority contracts. In addition, we have successfully secured contracts from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, and have worked with independent partners including Talent Match, Maximus, Serco, DWP and the West Midlands Probation Services, aiding learners furthest from the labour market, breaking down real and perceived barriers, and enabling us to positively impact the lives of more than 1300 individuals over the past five years.

Our success was not possible without our valued funding partners. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to West Midlands Combined Authority and Black Country Impact. Over the years, their unwavering support empowers us to transform lives, offering opportunities to the unemployed, NEETS, and diverse individuals seeking meaningful employment across the whole of the West Midlands.

By working together, we are able to break barriers, and create a workforce that brings positive change. Their commitment fuels our mission, enabling us to enhance skills, change lives, and build a future where everyone has equal access to opportunities. We thank them for being the catalysts of positive change in our community.

Vocation Training Statistics

During the preceding two years under our WMCA contract, we have achieved an impressive rate of  71.3% in facilitating the transition of learners into sustained employment.

Long term unemployed account for 25.9% of our contract

Long term unemployed into employment = 64.2%

Formerly incarcerated people account for 25.9%

Formerly incarcerated people into employment= 69.9%

Ethnic minorities account for 75.5%

Ethnic minorities into employment = 55.7%

Those with no qualifications or entry level qualifications account for 21.3% 

Those with no qualifications or entry level qualifications into employment = 70%

Those with additional needs including mental health illnesses account for 13.5%

Those with additional needs including mental health illnesses into employment = 57.9%

Vocation Training is proud to have worked on the following projects:

  • Construction Skills Fund (WMCA) - 19+ unemployed
  • AEB Devolved (WMCA) - 19+ unemployed
  • Black Country Impact - 15-29 year old NEET
  • Talent Match - 15-29 year old NEET
  • RESTART - Open age Unemployed
  • Skills Funding Agency Adult Skills Budget - Open age unemployed
  • Work Focused Training - 18-24 year old NEET
  • Working Neighbourhood Fund (WNF) - Open age unemployed
  • Work Programme - Open age unemployed
  • Flexible New Deal (FND) - Open age unemployed

If you are interested in collaborating with Vocation Training, we kindly invite you to reach out to us!

Vocation Training
We're a West Midlands based training provider that delivers Traffic Management training with an employer lead focus.
Company number: 10727328
UKPRN: 10068153
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