C, 25 years old had been finding it hard to gain employment due to various barriers including Aspergers, dyslexia and dyspraxia. However, the team at Vocation Training soon came to realise these barriers should not get in the way of C’s ability to find employment due to his keenness to learn and dedication to finding a job.
C had excellent interpersonal skills and with the right qualifications the team felt he would fit in perfectly in the Traffic Management industry. C had past work experience delivering food for Tesco's which required the ability to drive a van, keep to timescales and deliver excellent customer service to the public.
C completed two weeks training and was given additional support during his exams, which he passed with high marks to receive the qualifications he needed. He gave excellent feedback about the training and support on offer.
C started a work trial on the 8th July 2019 and from this was offered full time employment on 11th July 2019. C has expressed how much he enjoys the role every time we speak.
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